Titan quest masteries calculator
Titan quest masteries calculator

Intelligence increases Elemental Damage done by the player, this includes Vitality Damage as well as Burn Damage over time (Frostburn, Burn, Electrical Burn). Each Skill Tree gives a different amount of Strength, and you will gain a total of 42 Strength from quests, if you play all the way through the Legendary Difficulty. This means at 500 Strength you would gain +100% Physical Damage and +20 Physical Damage flat. In addition, you also gain 0.04 Physical Damage for each point of Strength (0.16 per Attribute Point spent). Each point of Strength increases your Physical Damage by 0.2%, or 0.8% each time you spend an Attribute Point (since you get 4 Strength). The only exception is with Staves, which do not deal Physical Damage.

titan quest masteries calculator

Strength increases the Physical Damage of the player, and not only adds this increase to the base damage of the Weapon you are using, but to any Skills that deal Physical Damage. Hybrid Builds generally need to spend points here because one of their Skill Trees provides no Energy. Casting Builds will consume much more Energy than Martial Builds, so depending on how you make your character you may need to add points into this Attribute. Unlike Health, however, there are no quests that reward permanent increases to Energy. Again, like Health, this will depend on the Skill Tree, and not all Skill Trees provide Energy. You gain +40 Energy per Attribute Point spent, and you will gain Energy when spending Skill Points on the Mastery of any Skill Tree that gives Energy. Like Health, Energy is a pretty straight forward. Melee Builds will obviously need more than Ranged Builds so plan accordingly, but generally you should not need to spend Attribute Points on Health. You will also gain permanent Health bonuses from completing quests for a total of 855 (if you complete all 3 difficulties). How much you gain depends on which Skill Trees you have, and I have listed them in the table below, along with other Attributes. You gain +40 Health per Attribute Point spent, and you will also gain Health when spending Skill Points on the Mastery of each of your two Skill Trees. There are 5 main Attributes in Titan Quest and loads of other Stats. Each Attribute you spend will give you either 40 Health, 40 Energy, +4 Strength, +4 Intelligence or +4 Dexterity.

titan quest masteries calculator

It is unlikely you will reach level cap though as it takes hundreds of hours, so realistically you’re looking at some where around 140 ish Attribute Points. You gain 2 Attribute Points per level, and gain a few here and there through various quests, giving you a total of 166 Attribute Points to spend if you complete all three difficulties and do all related Side Quests.

titan quest masteries calculator

The first thing we’ll talk about is Attributes because they are extremely important to the way you build your character, and unlike Skill Points, you cannot refund Attribute Points, so if you spend them incorrectly then you are pretty screwed. This is particularly pertinent to Builds, and is information you may have a harder time finding now that the Titan Quest forums are no longer online.


With the console release just a week old now, I thought it would be helpful to let the new console players (PS4 and Xbox One) in on many secrets that we PC veterans have known for years. Many things have changed since THQ published their mythos-based hack ‘n slash RPG Titan Quest back in 2006, and most of those changes have been to the way that Stats work within the game.

Titan quest masteries calculator